mY own Narrative: UNtitled

Once upon a time, there was a handsome young man. He was Eric. Eric is a bassist of a popular band and he had many fans. He had a beautiful girlfriend. She was Niki. Niki is a clever student in a university there.

One day, as usual, when Eric had done his concert, his fans came to him. Took photos and kissed him. Suddenly, Niki came and wanted to speak some things with Eric. But, Eric couldn’t stop his fans. Niki felt Eric did not care anymore about her.

In the next day, Eric tried tell to Niki if that was just fans. Nevertheless, Niki could not understand it. Eric got angry to Niki and Niki did too. They chose to stop their love, and left one another.

One month, two month, their life was being bad. They knew, they could not life without another. Fortunately, Eric and Niki met in a restaurant when they wanted to dinner. However, both of them was still angry one another. Therefore, Eric did not care anything about Niki and so did Niki in there. When Niki went home, Eric saw a fast car would strike Niki. Eric ran quickly to safe Niki. Unfortunately, Eric got an accident. The people there brought Eric to the hospital.

In the hospital, the doctor said to Niki if Eric needed a new heart. Therefore, he needed a new heart from the other man. Niki knew if their blood is same. She wanted to give her heart to Eric. The doctor did not have anything to choose. The doctors did the operation.

Badly, the operation failed, Eric and Niki died. Finally, they died. Nevertheless, their love would alive forever.

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